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Workshop on a Systems Approach to Infrastructure Development - The Pan Borneo Highway Case

March 19, 2019

Stakeholders from government, the Pan Borneo Highway project proponent and civil society were brought together to consider a ‘systems approach’ and discuss issues including government policies and impacts of infrastructure on flora and fauna and indigenous peoples and local communities.

Promoting Benefits and Limiting Environmental Risks of Infrastructure in Asia Pacific

July 12, 2018

The Asia-Pacific is a global epicenter of economic and infrastructure expansion, with massive road, railway, dam, mining, timber, and other large-scale infrastructure projects planned for the region. These projects can yield substantial social and economic benefits but also may cause serious environmental damage for biodiversity, forests and environmental services. This one-day workshop covered the following topics, including Q&A:  Road risks and benefits  Details of analyses and technical aspects of James Cook University - Asia-Pacific Team's work  Road impact mitigation measures

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